Kirill Pankratov (neznaika_nalune) wrote,
Kirill Pankratov

Вирус вирусом, а стрельба по расписанию

Chicago experiences most violent Memorial Day weekend in five years
Chicago saw its most violent Memorial Day weekend in five years, with 10 people dead and more than 200 guns recovered over the weekend.
The city’s stay-at-home order did little to prevent violent incidents, which included a party in West Englewood where shots were fired, Chicago Police Superintendent David Brown said Tuesday. Officers issued about 300 dispersal orders for groups who violated social distancing measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19 during the holiday weekend.
“The effect of the coronavirus also goes beyond hospitalizations,” Brown said. “People are feeling restless after being cooped up for weeks.”...

Ну как же не пострелять, усталость накопилась. Раззудись плечо...

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