Convicted Boston Marathon bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev's brother frightened at least one relative during a visit to Russia in 2012 when he espoused radical Islamist beliefs, a family member said on Monday
Naida Suleimanova, a cousin of the brothers, said she was scared when she learned Tamerlan had adopted extremist views.
"When we were told that he was an adherent of some kind of radical Islam, I was afraid," Suleimanova said through an interpreter.
"I don't understand this. Our parents didn't teach us these things. They taught us to pray and to read the prayers and I am very far away from all this."
The Tsarnaev family had moved frequently between Dagestan, Siberia and parts of central Asia before relocating to the United States a decade before the attack, Nadia Suleimanova and her sister, Raisat Suleimanova, testified.
The two said they were surprised when Tsarnaev's mother, Zubeidat Tsarnaeva, returned to Russia for a visit wearing an Islamic head scarf. Previously she had been a flashy, stylish dresser and not particularly devout, her nieces testified.
"It was a shock for me," Raisat Suleimanova said through an interpreter. "Knowing what kind of person Zubeidat used to be, it was strange to see that."