Kirill Pankratov (neznaika_nalune) wrote,
Kirill Pankratov

Новые достижения французской науки

Долой лифчики!

Bras make boobs saggier, study finds
WOMEN who wear bras have SAGGIER boobs than women who don’t, according to a new study.
Scientists in France found that bras give no benefit at all in “denying breasts gravity” and claim the underwear is just a “false necessity”.
The research suggests wearing a bra could actually be sending our busts southwards, and does little to ease back pain.

...Professor Jean-Denis Rouillon, from the University of Besancon, led the 15-year study into women’s breasts.
Professor Rouillon spent years using a slide rule and caliper to measure changes in the orientation of the breasts of 130 women.
He carried out his research at the University Hospital in Besancon.

Интересно как выглядело research proposal, результатом которого стало данное открытие...

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